Sunday, June 13, 2010

Great Depression of the 1930’s

Seemed like increasing number of information I received from people, emails, seminars, etc. are talking that a recession as great as 1930 might be coming. In Singapore are we shielded from it? Seemed like we are doing pretty well in Singapore all the time while the world is still currently in chaos.

I for sure don't have a clue this will happen or not, but I think it is worthwhile making an effort preparing for it.

Two areas that I am currently pursuing, Forex trading and Internet Marketing seemed to be recession proof industries. Both areas are likely to be doing better in time of recession, at least that is what I was told and perceived.

Ok. Maybe I should stop here first and come back later. Time to go to the expo for my 3rd day visit to the Global Internet Marketing seminar to learn more. Checking out the other higher mountain may not be a bad an idea.

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